Looking for: A freelance skilled Google Analytics (GA4) writer to set up comprehensive analytics tracking on our website. The goal is to ensure accurate data collection and insightful reporting to help us understand user behavior, optimize our content, and enhance our lead-generation efforts. 

The person needs to have extensive experience with analytics, specifically GA4 and Tag Manager and have delivered projects like this for other clients (references would be helpful). 

This role is 100% remote.


  1. Google Analytics (GA4) setup on our website + configure the settings so we can report on objectives 

  1. Ensure GA4 setup is compliant with GDPR. 

  1. Install GA4 tracking code on all pages of our website and set up Google Tag manager, with tracking tags for key events and actions (e.g., form submissions, button clicks, downloads of lead-gen assets). 

  1. Set up custom event tracking: for e.g. white papers downloads, email subscription (blog), webinar/podcast registration, etc.  

  1. Set up measurement features in GA4 to automatically track standard events (e.g., scroll tracking, outbound link clicks). 

  1. Configure user engagement tracking to understand how users interact with our content. 

  1. Set up goals and conversion funnels in GA4 to monitor user journeys and identify drop-off points. Also create custom segments to analyze the behavior of different user groups. 

  1. Create custom GA4 dashboards to see key metrics and insights. 

  1. Provide training on how to navigate GA4 reports and dashboards and set up tracking for new pages.  



  • Fully configured GA4 property with all necessary settings and tags. 

  • Custom events and goals implemented to track key user interactions. 

  • Custom GA4 dashboards and automated reports (with notes on how the GA4 setup and instructions for accessing reports). 

  • Training doc to update tags/tracking for new pages. 

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